How Broker Generator Works
Utilizing our tried-and-true system, we secure 20+ interested candidates that are right for your location and company’s style. With our company, every opportunity that we provide you with has opted into speaking with you. We prove this with every source that our opportunities come from whether it is screenshots and resumes from their applications. We source every candidate that we reach out to and we build our own lists. We do not buy lists. Every one of our clients enjoys a fresh target list of candidates specifically built for our outreach efforts with their campaigns. We also go to great lengths in order to cross reference our data and ensure we are not soliciting people from your organization. If your company operates on a recruitment policy or pledge, then please rest assured that we work in alignment with your commitment and make every effort that we can to not cross any lines.
Candidates apply for your position.
We craft a successful marketing message that has been AB tested and then we compose that into a Job position and syndicate it across all of the job boards we use. This makes your position available on all search engines. When the interested candidates apply for the position, we ask up to 4 questions in the screening process. After they apply, the next step is for our team to set the appointment for you.
We simply ask the candidates if they would be interested!
We have conversations with candidates and ask them if they are willing to look at your opportunity. If they say yes, then we tell them about you and work to set the appointment with you. We get you the early opportunity to speak with these candidates who are considering a move.
Can you use my List?
This is where we provide drip campaigns on an email list that you provide. This process is very effective because we request sit-downs or coffee meetings to discuss the possibility of the candidates moving over to your company. Once these candidates show interest, then we set the meeting directly onto your calendar.
We have mastered online employment marketing. We often use this approach as part of your guaranteed list of candidates; And you can purchase 25-30 more leads for an additional amount. We provide a larger bulk discount available so that you can scale your recruiting efforts with ease.
These candidates are typically coming in with high quality. From our recent internal study, we found that 25 percent of these leads ended up booking appointments just from our automated booking system. After this, a bunch more of them ended up booking appointments once we added our Live Q to the program which consists of 150+ team members following up with them to schedule appointments.
Simply drag and drop your candidate to “Missed Appointments“ in the CRM we provide.
If the candidate does not show up to your meeting, then we will start the booking process all over again and begin attempting to book that opportunity back onto your calendar! The best part about this is that we do not charge an additional fee, nor will this count towards your new opportunity generation if an opportunity is booked for a second time. By having our live Q team of people working to re-book warm opportunities, your conversions will continue to climb over time making this program more powerful for the growth of your organization. Once we rebook the appointment, it will show up directly on your calendar as a new appointment!
Track Progress Of Every Applicant
Our CRM shows you all the conversations we had with the applicants and every action they have taken

How Do We Help Brokerages Grow?
Broker Generator is custom-tailored based on Matt’s own experiences as a business person, creating a service that speaks your language and understands your challenges. Too often we find that industry recruiting services are created by people who know nothing about the industry they’re involved in. We want to make sure you never use another recruiting service again, by providing results others cannot.

Interactive Staging For Applicants
With our interactive dashboard, you can have a glance of the pipeline and be able to check the progress of all the applicants you have in our CRM